Tablets, smart phones and Ipads are all the rage now in the modern world. In the past few years, the demand for apps for such devices has expanded greatly.
Many Tablets and Smart Phones run on Android Operating System. Applications or Apps are on sales in App Stores. Android based apps can be sold in places such as the Play Store. Iphones apps that are created may be submitted to iTune.
Hardware and processor-wise, ARM architecture is a dominant platform for Android based devices.
App Developers can make a living developing Applications for Tablets and Smart Phones.
Some developers and programmers create Apps for clients. For those who are entrepreneurial in spirit, they may opt to create their own apps for selling in places such as the Google Play Store and iTune. Because of the nature of the work, some developers operate as freelancers. This career may even be developed into a home-based business as the start-up cost is not very high consisting mainly of computers, devices and software programs.
Qualification-wise, a tertiary education in computer science or software engineering is recommended for this kind of job. Depending on the types of devices that the developer is working on, familiarity with programming languages for Android and IOS is essential. Additionally, the following skill sets are recommended:
1. good understanding of User Interface Design
2. Database Development knowledge
3. familiarity with Cross-platform mobile suites such as RhoMobile Suite.
Popular development tools include Basic4android, Corona SDK, jQuery Mobile, PhoneGap.
Types of applications that can be developed on such devices includes Simple, table based apps, App with Database and Games. Of the 3 types, games is typically the most costly to create.
Frequently downloaded applications include games, weather info apps, social networking apps.
With Tablets and smart phones becoming more and more acceptable as modern communication and computing tools, Apps development should become a mainstay.
Here’s some expert Advice from the real developers