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Career Profile: Purser

Do you like to work onboard a ship? Pursers are employed mainly on board passenger ships, cruise ships, tankers and freighters.

What are the job scopes of a Purser? The task is mainly to execute the administration and paperworks required when a ship enters a port. Part of the job involves currency exchange and other money matters. Assisting passengers with the customs declarations may also be part of the job requirement. In certain cases, the stewards and cooks are under his charge as well.

To become a purser, experience in book-keeping is useful. One way to work towards becoming a purser is to attend a marine academy. A license is often required to become a purser.

One must also be able to work onboard a ship and be out at sea. Many a times, one may be required to spend long duration out at sea. There must be mental preparation for this kind of work nture.

As with most marine-related jobs, there is a certain amount of hazard.