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Career Profile: Bank Teller

The impression that a Bank Teller gives is that of a presentable lady sitting and working behind a counter in the bank. This article is the job description and profile of the Bank Teller. A Bank Teller’s job duties involve dealing directly with customers of the bank and handling general inquiries as well as matters pertaining to money.

Money matters she or he oversees would include cashing cheques, clarifying account balances, accepting deposits, processing withdrawals, handing remittances and purchase of cashier’s orders, and tallying the day’s transactions.

A Bank Teller must be good with figures and have a strong personal integrity. She or he must also be patient in handling her customers.

To looks for a job as a bank teller, one can try going to the websites of various banks. These websites often have a career seeking section. Alternatively, seek out the classified advertisements of the newspapers.

A Bank Teller is required to have an A Levels Certificate or its equivalent. She must have undergone training in the Teller Proficiency Program and Banking Certificate Course, and possess a Diploma in Banking and Financial Services or Financial Management.

With experience and a good track record, she can proceed to become a Senior Teller, Chief Cashier, or Customer Service Officer.


  1. Alan O. Alan O.

    Hey you need to remember that it may be rare to see but there are male tellers.

  2. Ron Ron

    Yeah.. Male bank tellers are more rare. Anyway, thanks for the job information.

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