The sky has fascinated human beings since time immemorial. This writing talks about the work of the Astronomer.
An astronomer’s job entails the study of phenemona in space. This includes the research on planets, stars and galaxies.
Professional astronomers are usually very highly educated. They often have PhD in physics or astronomy qualifications. Modern astronomers use charge-coupled device camera to record and explore space. Telescopes are not so often used. Occasionally, astronomers will visit an observatory or satellite control station.
There are two main groups of astronomers namely the Theorists and Observers. Both groups works on the common objective of enhancing the knowledge in astronomy.
Employment opportunities for astronomers can be found within universities and research organisations or institutes.
Astronomer seems like an interesting career.
Astronomer seems like an interesting career.
Astronomy has always been a very fascinating subject.
I wonder are their aliens and other life forms in other galaxies.
Anyway. astronomer is a fascinating profession.
Astronomy has always been a very fascinating subject.
I wonder are their aliens and other life forms in other galaxies.
Anyway. astronomer is a fascinating profession.
Wow its great …. and this seems 2 be the most exciting field.
Our Universe is a big unknown thing. It will be interesting to know about the unknown.
Wow its great …. and this seems 2 be the most exciting field.
Our Universe is a big unknown thing. It will be interesting to know about the unknown.
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