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Phototherapy – a mode of healing?

Many people have heard about healing using natural therapies. These practitioners are known as Naturopaths. However, do you also know that photographs can also be used as a mode of healing?
Phototherapy is the practice of using photographic images as a mode of healing. Phototherapists are professionals who use phototherapy to heal their clients.
There are several main techniques used in phototherapy.
1. Using client’s own photo to assist in revealing their inner feelings and emotions.
2. Using photos taken by others that include image of the client. This can allow the client to understand hinself or herself from a different perspective.
3. Therapy through self-portrait. This is quite a good approach.
4. Photo-projectives which enable the client to face his/her own reaction to certain image and symbolism.
Phototherapy is a relatively uncommon mode of therapy. Nevertheless, there are people out there who are experts in this field of work.